Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week will be widely promoted across the state to celebrate and spotlight ways citizens can get involved with stewardship of their favorite park, forest, museum, cultural center, and points of interest. You can get in on the celebration and boost stewardship in your community by hosting your own special in-person or virtual event. It is a great time to expand your list of supporters, volunteers, members, patrons, and lifelong stewards. Register online to add your event to the Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week calendar so it can be included in the promotional efforts.

Event Planning & Promotion Tips
Events can be anything that gets people out to experience Pennsylvania’s resources. Programs can be in-person or virtual. They can take place at a specific date and time or be an open invitation for participants to experience anytime during Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week. Stewardship is the core purpose, but events can offer any opportunity that helps people appreciate PA’s Healthy Lands.
Offer visitors the chance to expand their knowledge about Pennsylvania’s natural environment, cultural diversity, and rich history.
Promote recreational opportunities. Demonstrate how to be a park or forest user, museum visitor, culture lover! Invite your community to come out and play, see, create, experience, and enjoy Pennsylvania.
Create ways for people to do their part to keep Pennsylvania’s lands, healthy lands – volunteerism, learn Leave No Trace, plant for pollinators, stop the spread of invasive species, honor our heritage, or respect our diversity.
Communicate Your Stewardship Opportunities
Engage your followers
Use your website or social media channels to draw attention to your event and why Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week is important. Social media helps your online community connect with others and share content online. The Toolkit includes Twitter and Facebook social media graphics that you can use before and throughout HLW to help build awareness and support for your event. Tag #PAHealthyLandsWeek to help build the buzz!
Spread the word
Send a news release to newspapers, online media and radio and TV stations. Follow up with reporters who may be interested in covering your events or community outreach efforts. Make “experts” available to talk to the media. They could talk about your event, their experience as a longtime volunteer, why stewardship is important, or their knowledge about your unique natural, cultural, or historic resource. Contribute an op-ed or letter to the editor for local media. Write about PA Healthy Lands Week in your own newsletter or blog.
Invite local leaders
Invite your elected officials to both participate and promote your event. Give them a chance to celebrate and boast about the wonderful natural, historical, and cultural resources in their communities. Encourage them to take a tour, volunteer, host a press conference, or just enjoy themselves. Ask them to honor Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week with a proclamation of their own.
Advertise & Promote
Use signage to remind everyone who travels by your site that Pennsylvania Healthy Lands Week is a special time to celebrate stewardship. Use the digital resources in the Toolkit to start promoting in print and online. Ask businesses and community centers to hang a poster in their window or post an announcement on the bulletin board. Include the date and time of your event and how to sign up. If you have the budget, arrange for billboards and paid advertising in your community newspaper or on local radio stations.
PA Healthy Lands Week Logo